Feb 2 2009
Because of consumer horror stories, Americas Watchdog's Homeowners Consumer Center is expanding its Florida investigation of possibly toxic Chinese imported Chinese dry wall, used in Florida, into a national investigation of all new homes built in 2005 and 2006, that may also have the imported Chinese dry wall. The group wants to hear from any homeowner in Florida, or in any US state, who has, or suspects they have the imported Chinese dry wall product in their home.
According to the group, "While Florida is getting all of the attention with respect to the imported, possibly toxic Chinese dry wall in new homes built in 2005 & 2006, we now know the problem is not just isolated to Florida, or one specific US major homebuilder." The group says, "If you live in a new home built in 2005, or 2006 in Florida, or any other State, that has a rotten egg type smell, and/or if you or your loved ones have developed respiratory issues, rashes, nose bleeds or corroded air conditioning coils since move in, please call the Homeowners Consumer Center at 866-714-6466, or contact us via our Web site at http://HomeownersConsumerCenter.com."
Background on the problem:
Jack Snider, CEO of AMRC Environmental Testing, says, "This is a widespread problem for homes in Southwest Florida." Snider continues, "The good news is that it's easy for you to check your home to see if you have it. The Chinese drywall looks like any other drywall you would see. But the gases released from the Chinese drywall are capable of corroding copper coiling, which is found in nearly every home."
The Homeowners Consumer Center says, "If this product was sold in Florida, we have no doubt it was also sold in numerous other states. There is a very good chance it could be toxic. We are talking about what could become one of the worst sick house issues ever. If this imported Chinese dry wall is corroding air conditioning coils, what is exposure to this dry wall doing to a homeowners body, or their health?"
Could you have Chinese drywall in a new home built between 2005 & 2006?
Does the homes have a strong smell (a sulfur or rotten egg-type smell)?
Have you suffered respiratory issues, or nose bleeds since moving into the house?
Do you have corroded copper coils in your air conditioner or are the coils black?
Chinese drywall is thinner and lighter than typical drywall.
If a homeowner has any of these indications please contact the Homeowners Consumer Center anytime at 866-714-6466 or contact them via their Web site at http://HomeownersConsumerCenter.com.
According to the Homeowners Consumer Center, "This Chinese drywall is potentially a serious health problem for any homeowner in Florida, or in other US state who lives in a new home built in 2005 or 2006. We have now spoken to over a dozen possible victims, and they all have health issues, or have had air conditioning coil issues."
Note: The Homeowners Consumer Center now has proof the Chinese drywall was sold in New Orleans & other Gulf States after Hurricane Katrina. The Homeowners Consumer Center now also wants to hear from homeowners in Arizona, Nevada, California, Virginia, Maryland and Georgia about a home purchased in 2005-2006 that came with a rotten egg or sulfur type smell.
The Homeowners Consumer Center wants to hear from every US homeowner who may have the Chinese drywall product in their home. Homeowners can call the Homeowners Consumer Center anytime at 866-714-6466 or contact them via their Web site at http://HomeownersConsumerCenter.com.
Important Note: If you are a dry wall contractor & you have knowledge of Chinese dry wall being used in any US sub-division or condominium project in 2005 or 2006, please contact the Homeowners Consumer Center anytime at 866-714-6466.
Americas Watchdog and its Homeowners Consumer Center are all about homeowner protection, and corporate responsibility.