On 28 October, Erin C.Conation, Under Secretary of the US Air Force performed the ribbon cutting ceremony to commence the operations of two new wind turbines installed at Cape Cod, Mass-located Massachusetts Military Reservation to produce renewable green power.
According to environmental Protection Agency reports of the US, the Air Force is rated as the third biggest buyer of renewable green energy in the Federal Government.
The 1.5 MW wind turbines were installed at the location along with the existing wind turbines in order to generate enough electricity to supply the required power to run a number of groundwater cleanup systems installed at the military reservation. The installation of wind turbines to meet the power requirements of groundwater remediation systems at the reservation will enable the military facility save over $1.5 million being the amount utilized for running the fossil-fuel power plants. The use of wind turbines generated power also will offset the carbon dioxide discharges from the fossil fueled plants, thus reducing the carbon footprint of the Air Force.
According to Erin C.Conation, Under Secretary of the US Air Force, during the time of expansion and change over the Air Force will integrate a range of energy thoughtfulness in designing the future facilities and projects for the use of mission operations. Presently Air Force manages 85 renewable power generation projects at its 43 installations thus contributing to the energy security of the country by alternative energy usage.