A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control

As the lithium-ion battery industry expands, outdated technology with limited lifespan is being replaced.

Due to degradation, an electric (EV) car battery typically has a lifespan of 10-20 years, or 100,000 to 200,000 miles. So, what happens when these batteries approach the end of their life?

EV Battery Recycling is a rising market in the United States, particularly as more batteries reach the end of their life in the coming years. In 2022, 11.3 gigawatt hours (GWh) of EV batteries reached their end of life, with that figure expected to climb to 138 GWh by 2030.

Recycling is vital in providing additional supply sources with the current scarcity of domestically produced battery key ingredients. One US-based battery recycler plans to establish new facilities and expand existing ones but needs the expertise of Anguil Environmental Systems to ensure a sustainable process.

This company recycles domestic, industrial, and EV batteries, all following identical recycling methods. First, the batteries are dismantled into smaller sections, which are mechanically separated to extract the components.

After that, hydrometallurgical treatment recovers the metals and polymers from lithium batteries, which can then be reused in new products. Several stages of this procedure generate exhausts that must be handled.

Anguil's engineers were invited to design a unique solution for the customer that met local pollution standards. Their existing VOC concentrations were up to 25% LEL (Lower Explosive Limit); however, a minimum % destruction rate of 98% was needed.

Combining a saturated process stream and entering particles required particular design considerations. These will ensure a long equipment life and save system downtime.

The Solution

A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control

Image Credit: Anguil Environmental Systems

Due to these constraints, Anguil's team decided on a Model 300 Regenerative Thermal Oxidizer (RTO).

Because the customer's airflow contained high moisture content, various system components, including the process fan, diverter valve assembly, media support section, and exhaust stack, were made of stainless steel to resist corrosion.

An interior coating was also added to the oxidizer chamber to increase protection. To allow for the processing of VOC concentration spikes, a hot bypass duct system was installed to send chamber gases to the exhaust stack, preventing an overheating scenario within the RTO.

The exhaust will travel through an upstream ductwork filter to eliminate particulate matter before reaching the RTO.

The main process fan was sized to provide enough inlet suction to compensate for the anticipated upstream filtering and ducting pressure losses. A local control panel near the RTO was to be installed in a separate prefabricated room to shield staff from the elements while using the panel HMI.

The Result

The RTO was chosen for this application because it was the most cost-effective alternative to direct-fired and catalytic oxidizer systems. Because of its high flow volume and lower VOC concentrations, a direct-fired oxidizer would have required a significant amount of extra fuel.

A catalytic system was ruled out due to the greater initial cost of the catalyst required, as well as the cost of periodic catalyst replacement.

As the world moves toward electric vehicles, there is an increasing need for efficient and ecological battery recycling.

The growing quantity of end-of-life batteries creates a unique potential and challenge for the industry, and Anguil Environmental Systems is ready to handle it by delivering bespoke solutions to ensure a safe and environmentally responsible recycling process.

By building cutting-edge pollution control systems, Anguil assists its clients in meeting severe emission laws while optimizing the recycling process.

Anguil’s creative solutions answer the industry's urgent demands and pave the way for a more sustainable future in which valuable resources may be recovered and reused, helping to create a circular economy.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Anguil Environmental Systems.

For more information on this source, please visit Anguil Environmental Systems.


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    Anguil Environmental Systems. (2024, September 18). A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control. AZoCleantech. Retrieved on September 19, 2024 from https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1861.

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    Anguil Environmental Systems. "A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control". AZoCleantech. 19 September 2024. <https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1861>.

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    Anguil Environmental Systems. "A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control". AZoCleantech. https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1861. (accessed September 19, 2024).

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    Anguil Environmental Systems. 2024. A Case Study on Sustainable EV Battery Recycling and Emission Control. AZoCleantech, viewed 19 September 2024, https://www.azocleantech.com/article.aspx?ArticleID=1861.

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