Cleantech Books

Featured Cleantech Books

Solar Energy Engineering - Elsevier

In this practical guide, globally recognized renewable energy researcher and professor Henrik Lund describes the modeling and simulation techniques that can be utilised to ensure at the outset of any renewable energy project that the resources available will meet supply demands. A clear, comprehensive methodology is set forth for comparing different energy systems' abilities to integrate fluctuating and intermittent renewable energy sources.

Hydrogen as a Future Energy Carrier

This book fills the gap for concise but comprehensive literature on this interdisciplinary topic, involving chemical, physical, biological and engineering challenges. It provides broad coverage of the most important fields of modern hydrogen technology: hydrogen properties, production, storage, conversion to power, and applications in materials science. In so doing, the book covers all the pertinent materials classes: metal hydrides, inorganic porous solids, organic materials, and nanotubes. The authors present the entire view from fundamental research to viable devices and systems, including the latest scientific results and discoveries, practical approaches to design and engineering, as well as functioning prototypes and advanced systems.

Recycling of Polyethylene

This Polymer Bulletin is a current awareness service from the Polymer Library, the world's largest database dedicated to polymer literature. Each time the abstracts database is updated with new records (approx. every two weeks) you will be sent a bulletin alerting you to any items that relate to the recycling of polyethylene

Fuel Cells, Engines and Hydrogen: An Exergy Approach

Fuel cell technology is the most exciting and legitimate alternative source of power currently available to us as world resources of non-renewable fuel continue to be depleted. No other power generating technology holds the same benefits that fuel cells offer, including high reliability and efficiency, negligible environmental impact, and security of supply. Fuel cells run on hydrogen – the simplest and most plentiful gas in the universe - although they can also run on carbon monoxide, methane, or even coal. Their applications are diverse, from powering automobiles, buildings and portable electronics, to converting methane gas from wastewater plants and landfills into electricity.

Photovoltaic Solar Energy Generation

This comprehensive description and discussion of photovoltaics (PV) is presented at a level that makes it accessible to the interested academic. Starting with an historical overview, the text outlines the relevance of photovoltaics today and in the future. Then follows an introduction to the physical background of solar cells and the most important materials and technologies, with particular emphasis placed on future developments and prospects. The book goes beyond technology by also describing the path from the cell to the module to the system, proceeding to important applications such as grid-connected and stand-alone systems. The composition and development of the markets and the role of PV in future energy systems are also considered. Finally, the discussion turns to the future structure of energy supplies, expected to comprise more distributed generation, and addresses synergies and competition from other carbon-free energy sources.

Biodegradable Polymers Book

Biodegradable polymers have experienced strong growth over the last three years and are set to make further inroads into markets traditionally dominated by conventional thermoplastics in future

Future Energy: Improved, Sustainable and Clean Options for our Planet - Elsevier

The book details in one volume all of the possible forms of energy that are, and will be available to us, globally, in the next decade or two. The book is divided into chapters devoted to a particular of energy form

Additive Migration from Plastics into Foods - iSmithers-Rapra

This book covers all aspects of the migration of additives into food and gives detailed information on the analytical determination of the additives in various plastics. It will be of interest to those engaged in the implementation of packaging legislation, including management, analytical chemists and the manufacturers of foods, beverages, pharmaceuticals and cosmetics and also scientific and toxicologists in the packaging industry

Handbook of Plastics Recycling - iSmithers-Rapra

This book is intended for all those who are interested in recycling of post consumer plastic waste. Although, this book discusses technical aspects of recycling, the Authors have endeavoured to make this book easily understandable to anyone interested in the subject. This book enables the reader to gain a thorough grounding in all the subjects discussed and each chapter has a bibliography to allow follow up of subjects of interest. This book provides an invaluable resource for those already working in the field or for those just starting out in recycling

Polyvinyl Alcohol: Materials, Processing and Applications - iSmithers-Rapra

Polyvinyl Alcohol: Materials, Processing and Applications Review Report provides a concise introduction to polyvinyl alcohol - the material itself, the processing and applications, and also potential future directions for PVOH

Energy Revolution: Policies For A Sustainable Future

Energy Revolution examines the policy options for mitigating or removing the entrenched advantages held by fossil fuels and speeding the transition to a more sustainable energy future, one based on improved efficiency and a shift to renewable sources such as solar, wind, and bioenergy.

Microbial Fuel Cells

This timely book is the first dedicated to Microbial Fuel Cells. It not only serves as an introduction to the theory underlying the development and functioning of MFCs, it also serves as a manual for ongoing research. In addition, author Bruce Logan, a leading pioneer in MFC research and development, provides practical guidance for the effective design and operation of MFCs based on his own firsthand experience.

Concentrator Photovoltaics

Photovoltaic solar-energy conversion is one of the most promising technologies for generating renewable energy, and conversion of concentrated sunlight can lead to reduced cost for solar electricity. In fact, photovoltaic conversion of concentrated sunlight insures an efficient and cost-effective sustainable power resource. This book gives an overview of all components, e.g. cells, concentrators, modules and systems, for systems of concentrator photovoltaics. The authors report on significant results related to design, technology, and applications, and also cover the fundamental physics and market considerations. Specific contributions include: theory and practice of sunlight concentrators; an overview of concentrator PV activities; a description of concentrator solar cells; design and technology of modules and systems; manufacturing aspects; and a market study.

Update on Medical Plasticised PVC - iSmithers-Rapra

Update on Medical Plasticised PV considers the history of plasticised PVC in medical applications and the manufacturing and processing of plasticised PVC together with its properties are reviewed. The selection of plasticisers is a particular focus

Update on Mouldable Particle Foam Technology - iSmithers-Rapra

Update on Mouldable Particle Foam Technology summarises the present status of particle foam technology and how specific challenges have already driven its development. This includes the potential threats to the fire retardants and blowing agents which have been used for many years

Food Contact Materials: Rubbers, Silicones, Coatings and Ink - iSmithers-Rapra

Food Contact Materials - Rubbers, Silicones, Coatings and Inks, brings together important sources of food contact information in a single, convenient volume and will be an important reference source for workers in the food industry in general, and within the food contact field in particular. This handbook will also be of interest to anyone who works with the packaging of food and beverages and also to those who are studying food packaging/processing

Competitive Electricity Markets: Design, Implementation, Performance - Elsevier

This book is suitable for professionals, policy makers/regulators, students, researchers, and investors in the electric power sector, generating companies, distribution companies, manufacturers and suppliers

Apollo's Fire: Igniting America's Clean Energy Economy

In 1961, President John F. Kennedy ignited America’s Apollo Project and sparked a revolution in space exploration. Today the New Apollo Energy Project is poised to revolutionize the production of energy and thereby save our planet. The nation that built the world’s most powerful rockets, its most advanced computers, and its most sophisticated life support systems is ready to create the world’s most powerful solar energy systems, its most advanced wind energy turbines, and its most sophisticated hybrid cars. This will result in nothing less than a second American Revolution. Who are the dreamers in California who believe they can use mirrors and liquid metal to wring more electricity from a ray of sunshine than anyone else on earth can?

Polymer Electronics: A Flexible Technology - iSmithers-Rapra

Polymer Electronics - A Flexible Technology from iSmithers Rapra, is designed to inform researchers, material suppliers, component fabricators and electronics manufacturers of the latest research and developments in this dynamic and rapidly evolving field

An Inconvenient Truth

Al Gore's groundbreaking book, An Inconvenient Truth, brings together leading-edge research from top scientists around the world, as well as photographs, charts, and other illustrations to document the reality of global warming--and to sound a warning bell for action before it's too late. Filled with personal anecdotes and observations about how this issue has become a central focus in Mr. Gore's life--and why he believes it is the crucial issue of our time--AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH argues that global warming is not just about science, nor is it just a political issue: it is a moral issue and we have a responsibility to do something about it. Destined to become a classic, this accessible, entertaining, and thorough book is a unique reference for anyone who wants more information about global warming as well a guidebook for those who want to join the fight.

Power Systems Modelling and Fault Analysis - Elsevier

This book provides a comprehensive practical treatment of the modelling of electrical power systems, and the theory and practice of fault analysis of power systems covering detailed and advanced theories as well as modern industry practices

Energy Optimization in Process Systems - Elsevier

Despite the vast research on energy optimization and process integration, there has to date been no synthesis linking these together. This book fills the gap, presenting optimization and integration in energy and process engineering. The content is based on the current literature and includes novel approaches developed by the authors

Low Environmental Impact Polymers - iSmithers-Rapra

This book gives a thorough overview of the manufacture and uses of low environmental impact polymers. This book will provide information for the experienced user of polymers wanting to use biodegradable materials and also be useful to designers, specifiers, end users and waste managers

Recycling of Polypropylene - iSmithers-Rapra

his Polymer Bulletin is a current awareness service from the Polymer Library, the world's largest database dedicated to polymer literature. Each time the abstracts database is updated with new records (approx. every two weeks) you will be sent a bulletin alerting you to any items that relate to the recycling of polypropylene

Concise Encyclopedia of the History of Energy - Elsevier

The Concise Encyclopedia of the History of Energy draws together in a single volume a comprehensive account of the field from the prestigious and award-winning Encyclopedia of Energy (2004). This volume covers all aspects of energy history with authoritative articles authoritatively contributed and edited by an interdisciplinary team of experts. Extensively revised since the original publication of they Encylopedia of Energy, this work describes the most interesting historical developments of the past five years in the energy sector

Framework for Chemical Risk Management Under REACH - iSmithers-Rapra

Since 2008, the EU system for the Registration, Evaluation and Authorization of Chemicals (REACH) has begun impacting companies across the world. Today, efficient and effective implementation of REACH continues to depend on the inter-action of Member State regulators during EU decision-making. This is the result of past political debates surrounding the legislation being narrowly focused on mechanisms for conducting hazard assessments

Recycling of Polyurethanes - iSmithers-Rapra

The 'Recycling of Polyurethanes' Published Search from the Rapra Polymer Library provides a comprehensive review of the most current literature available on this topic. Produced from the Polymer Library database - the leading source of information on polymers - this Published Search features around 300 references brought together in one convenient PDF file and includes an abstract summary of each article along with its citation, plus indexed key terms, authors, companies and trade names. Each published search is produced on demand, ensuring that it is as up-to-date as possible

Geothermal Power Plants, 2nd Edition, Principles, Applications, Case Studies and Environmental Impact - Elsevier

Engineering principles are at the heart of the book, with complete coverage of the thermodynamic basis for the design of geothermal power systems. Practical applications are backed up by an extensive selection of case studies that show how geothermal energy conversion systems have been designed, applied and exploited in practice. World renowned geothermal expert DiPippo has including a new chapter on Environmental Impact and Abatement Technology in this new edition

Advances in Solid Oxide Fuel Cells III: Ceramic Engineering and Science Proceedings, Volume 28, Issue 4

Papers from The American Ceramic Society's 31st International Conference on Advanced Ceramics and Composites, held in Daytona Beach, Florida, January 21-26, 2007. Content includes papers on recent technical progress by national laboratories, universities and private industries on solid oxide fuel cell technology including SOFC component materials, processing, cell/stack fabrication and design, electrochemical performance and stability, long-term chemical interactions, interface engineering, modeling, test procedures and performance analysis.

Generating Electricity in a Carbon-Constrained World - Elsevier

The electric power sector is what keeps modern economies going, and historically, fossil fuels provided the bulk of the energy need to generate electricity, with coal a dominant player in many parts of the world. Now with growing concerns about global climate change, this historical dependence on fossil-fuels, especially those rich in carbon, are being questioned. Examining the implications of the industry's future in a carbon-constrained world, a distinct reality, is the subject of this book

Concise Encyclopedia of Materials for Energy Systems - Elsevier

Comprehensive coverage includes (from A-F): Actuator Materials for Small-scale Devices; Advanced Automotive Powertrains: Materials; Amorphous Semiconductor Solar Cells; Automotive Engine Materials; Batteries: Glassy Electrolytes; Batteries, Rechargeable; Battery Carbons; Burnable Poisons in Nuclear Fuels; Composites for Sensors and Actuators; Creep Design and Life Extension of Large-scale Plant; Creep-resistant Materials for Steam Turbines; Direct Borohydride Fuel Cell; DUPIC Fuel Cycle; Electrochemical Light Emitting Cells from Semiconducting Polymers; Electroluminescent Phosphors; Electrostrictive Ceramics for Sonar Projectors; Fast Breeder Reactors: Fuels; Fast Reactor Cores, Austenitic Steels for; Fast Reactor Cores, Ferritic�Martensitic Steels for; Fuel Cells: Electrochemical Reactions; Fuel Cells: Materials; Fuel Cells: Microsystems; Fusion Conditions: Radiation Damage Correlation; Fusion Reactors (Magnetically Confined); Fusion Reactors: Low-activation Structural Materials...

Environmental Regulatory Calculations Handbook

Regulatory Calculations Handbook addresses the environmental concerns of individuals by presenting the basic fundamentals of many environmental regulatory topics. Featuring an overview of the history of environmental problems, the current regulatory framework, and problems/solutions of practical problems in the field, this handbook comprehensively brings the potential calculations and information on regulations into one single-source reference.

Introduction to Plastics Recycling, 2nd Edition - iSmithers-Rapra

Introduction to Plastics Recycling, 2nd Edition reflects the great strides that have been made to increase recycling rates worldwide in recent years. It considers the expansion of infrastructure in the UK to support plastic recycling and major achievements that have been made in gaining widespread public support and participation for recycling schemes; specifically the need to manage waste on an individual household level. Current issues surrounding council recycling of plastic bottles, and the practice of providing free plastic carrier bags by supermarkets, are also considered

Tyre Recycling - iSmithers-Rapra

This is an expert overview on the topic of tyre recycling. It summarises current practices and the factors that have contributed to their growth and efficacy as viable, economically and environmentally sound methods of dealing with post-consumer tyres. There are around 1 billion tyres produced each year across the globe. It is estimated that for every tyre sold another joins the waste stream. There are some simple options such as retreading or shipping to countries with less stringent tread requirements, but this does not solve the problem

Dictionary of Energy, 2nd Edition - Elsevier

At a time when the topic of energy prices, resources and environmental impacts are at the forefront of news stories and political discussions, we are pleased to announce the Dictionary of Energy, Second Edition. A comprehensive and authoritative reference on all aspects of energy and its role in society.

Assessing Food Safety of Polymer Packaging - iSmithers-Rapra

Assessing Food Safety of Polymer Packaging is designed to help current and prospective researchers in this field, understand the theory of food safety in plastic packaging. This book will be of interest to anyone who uses polymeric food packaging

Recycling of Plastics (Packaging) - iSmithers-Rapra

The 'Recycling of Plastics (Packaging)' Published Search from the Rapra Polymer Library provides a comprehensive review of the most current literature available on this topic. Produced from the Polymer Library database - the leading source of information on polymers - this Published Search features around 300 references brought together in one convenient PDF file and includes an abstract summary of each article along with its citation, plus indexed key terms, authors, companies and trade names. Each published search is produced on demand, ensuring that it is as up-to-date as possible

Fuel Cells - iSmithers-Rapra

This Polymer Bulletin is a current awareness service from the Polymer Library, the world's largest database dedicated to polymer literature. Each time the abstracts database is updated with new records (approx. every two weeks) you will be sent a bulletin alerting you to any items that relate to fuel cells

Energizing Our Future: Rational Choices for the 21st Century

Energizing our Future surveys and analyzes in considerable depth the present and future economic and technical viability of oil, natural gas, coal, synthetic fuel, nuclear, hydrogen, solar, biomass, wind and less well-known potential energy sources in the context of real-world production, distribution, and environmental constraints. For example, the authors carefully and factually debunk the myth, perpetuated by Lovins, Rifkin and others, that we are "running out of oil."

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