Powder flowability is a crucial factor across many industries, as it influences how easily powders and bulk solids move through a system. Several factors impact this flowability, including particle size, shape, temperature, moisture content, and the amount of time the material has been stored at rest.

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As a result, powder flowability plays a key role in both manufacturing efficiency and product quality. Testing flowability is essential for predicting how materials will behave during processing, storage, and transportation. These tests are vital for process optimization and quality control, helping to prevent issues like blockages, segregation, and inconsistent flow rates.
This article will look into some of the crucial features to examine in flowability tests.
1. Cohesive Strength
Cohesive strength measures how strongly particles stick together, making it a crucial factor in predicting issues like bridging or ratholing, where materials form stable arches or voids that obstruct flow.
Cohesive strength is typically assessed using shear tests, which determine the amount of stress required to cause relative motion between particles. High cohesive strength indicates a higher risk of flow blockages. The data from these tests can help determine optimal hopper opening angles, reducing the likelihood of flow problems.
2. Internal Friction
Internal friction refers to the resistance to motion between particles within the bulk material. It significantly affects flowability, with higher internal friction leading to poorer flow characteristics. Shear cell tests can measure internal friction. Being conscious of this property helps in designing equipment and processes that minimize resistance and enhance material movement.
3. Wall Friction
Wall friction is defined as the frictional force between the bulk material and the equipment surfaces it comes into contact with. This feature influences how easily materials slide along hoppers, chutes, and other handling tools.
Wall friction is assessed via wall friction tests, where a sample is sheared against a representative wall surface. Lower wall friction values enable smoother flow, minimizing the risk of material hang-ups and enhancing process efficiency.
4. Compressibility
Compressibility assesses a material's bulk density under multiple applied pressures. It is a critical factor in both storage and handling, as materials that compress significantly under load can undergo changes in flowability and stability.
5. Moisture Content
Moisture content greatly affects bulk solids’ and powders’ flow behaviors. Excessive moisture can result in higher levels of cohesiveness and caking, while inadequate moisture can lead to dusting and segregation.
Moisture content is assessed via approaches like oven drying or moisture analyzers. Controlling moisture levels is critical for preserving optimal flowability and staving off material handling problems.
6. Particle Size Distribution
The range of particle sizes within a material impacts its potential for flowability and segregation. Materials with a wide particle size distribution usually segregate, resulting in inconsistent flow and quality problems.
Particle size distribution is usually assessed using sieving or laser diffraction approaches. Understanding this property helps design processes that reduce segregation and guarantee uniform flow.
7. Particle Shape
The shape of individual particles influences how they interact and flow. Irregularly shaped particles can interlock, increasing internal friction and reducing flowability. Particle shape can be characterized using microscopy or image analysis techniques. Optimizing particle shape through milling or granulation processes can enhance flow properties.
8. Chemical Composition and Impurities
The chemical composition and presence of impurities can significantly impact flow behavior. Some chemical interactions can improve cohesion or result in caking. Examining chemical composition via approaches like spectroscopy or chromatography generates insights into potential flow problems and informs the selection of adequate flow aids or additives.
9. Particle Hardness and Surface Roughness
Particle hardness and surface roughness affect how particles interact with each other and with equipment surfaces alike. Hard, rough particles can lead to more wear on equipment and impact flow dynamics.
Hardness can be assessed via hardness testers, while surface roughness can be measured via profilometry. Identifying these characteristics makes it easier to select appropriate materials and design equipment to reduce wear and flow resistance.
Inspect Your Materials and Their Properties With A Flowability Test
Precise assessment of essential material characteristics in flowability tests is crucial for predicting and optimizing the behavior of powders and bulk solids in industrial processes. By copying actual process conditions during testing and using specialized tests where appropriate, industries can guarantee efficient material handling, minimize downtime, and enhance overall process performance.
Jenike & Johanson offers bulk material testing services to help its clients understand the flow-related attributes of their materials.

This information has been sourced, reviewed and adapted from materials provided by Jenike & Johanson.
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