Top interviews, articles, and news from the world of Green Hydrogen, curated by AZoCleantech - The A to Z of Clean Technology and AZoMaterials - The A to Z of Materials.

Green Hydrogen Industry Focus eBook
Green Hydrogen is hydrogen produced from “green” or renewable energy. With the global Hydrogen energy storage market set to reach $21.7Bn by 2030, governments and industry are investing vast sums today in order to gain competitive advantage for years to come.
The Hydrogen Council forecasts that Hydrogen will make up around 22% of total energy demand worldwide by the year 2050. Although transportation currently represents only 10,000 metric tonnes, less than 1% of total green hydrogen consumption, we explore green hydrogen cars, liquid hydrogen in trains and how green hydrogen can be used in the energy intensive steel production process.
AZoCleantech and AZoM have compiled a collection of the most popular news articles, interviews, and industry insights over the last 12 months - Everything you need to know about Green Hydrogen in one place.
eBook Contents
- Top 3 interviews with thought leaders in the Green Hydrogen sector, conducted by our editors.
- Top 3 Green Hydrogen news pieces written by our scientific collaborators.
- Top 3 Green Hydrogen articles taking a deeper look into the industry discoveries and research.
- Sources, further reads, and related stories you can find on AZoCleantech the A to Z of Clean Technology

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