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Pioneer Green Energy Opens Doors in Austin, Texas

Pioneer Green Energy, a novel energy venture, has opened the doors of its headquarters located in Austin, Texas. Founded by solar and wind developers, Pioneer Green Energy intends to meet the needs of green energy projects throughout the U.S. utilizing innovative development strategies. Prior to founding the company, the developers helped develop over 2,500 MW of wind projects throughout the U.S. currently owned by renewable energy firms.

Pioneer Green Energy is headed by Andy Bowman who previously served as the president and founder of Renewable Generation Inc., a wind firm acquired by Airtricity. Andy Bowman believes that growth can be expected in the green energy industry at least for the next three to five years, in spite of the current economic crisis.

The US Energy Information Administration (EIA) indicates that in 2008 wind energy contributed a meager 1.25% to the total U.S. electricity production and expects this figure to hit 5% by 2012. The EIA estimates that wind energy will grow to 66 GW of wind capacity installed by 2014 from approximately 25 GW of wind capacity installed in 2008. Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory indicates that solar production is also expected to show increase in demand and reach 9,000 MW by 2025.  

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