Reportlinker Introduces “U.S. Solar Energy Market World Data, 2nd Edition”

SBI Energy perceives great potential for the solar market of the U.S. SBI Energy forecasts PV installations with 900 MW capacity in 2010, increasing to PV installations with 7,600 MW capacity in 2014. The solar panel market of the U.S. is likely to hit $34.5 billion by 2014.

This report analyzes the sales and manufacturing of the U.S. solar thermal and photovoltaic sectors in the context of chief solar nations such as China, Japan, Spain and Germany. The analysis will comprise current product definitions, market detail and definitions on the segments: photovoltaic modules and cells; balance of system parts such as frames, batteries, charge controllers and inverters; and flat-panel solar thermal and vacuum tube modules.

This report is targeted at R&D professionals, advertising agencies, business development executives and marketing managers.

Topics covered in the report include The Global Solar Panel Market; The U.S. Solar Thermal Market; U.S. Imports & Exports of Solar Products; Top Solar Thermal Manufacturers; and Grid-Tied Commercial Covers Almost Half the U.S. PV Market.

Tables include Annual U.S. Shipments of PV Cells & Modules by Type, 2004-2008 (in KW); U.S. Annual CSP Shipments, 2004-2008; Top Five California Installers, 2009; and Annual U.S. Shipments of PV Cells & Modules by Type, 2004-2008 (in KW).

Figures include World Solar Panel Market, 2006-2009 (in billion $); U.S. Annual Solar Thermal Panel Shipments, 2004-2009 (in million $); and U.S. PV Cell & Module Shipment Forecast, 2010-2014 (in billion $).

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