Solar Choice Calls U.K. Government to Publicize Feed-In Tariff

Solar Choice, an expert in solar panel installations, believes that the U.K. Government is failing its consumers by way of negligence in giving publicity to crucial data regarding the Feed-in-Tariff.

The Feed-in-Tariff in the U.K. came into effect from April 2010 and provides liberal financial incentives for consumers who opt for installing solar PV panels at their homes. Still, consumers have been provided with relatively little information and publicity regarding the Feed-In Tariff.

Ajay Hargreaves, Sales Director of Solar Choice, is of the conviction that this situation must be rectified.  He has commented that the government has invested so much in this scheme by viewing solar panels as an investment, instead of an expense. However, most people do not know about it at all. He also added that though the Feed-in Tariff has been covered by newspapers as well as TV across the globe, there has been an absence of proper coverage to the very people it benefits, the U.K. consumers.

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