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Frost and Sullivan Says Poland Foremost in the Wind Energy Market in CEE

A statement by Frost and Sullivan affirms that Poland has been and will retain its status as the prime wind energy market in Central and Eastern Europe.

The Polish market has expanded owing to an amalgamation of features including espousal of the Polish government and enormous wind potential. This ensued in improved significance among the country’s manufacturers and patrons. Although the economy bore the brunt of the fiscal downturn, key European wind turbine manufacturers and major component manufacturers in Western and Northern Europe are currently operational in the country. LM Galsfiber raised a manufacturing plant in March2009 with a capacity of 750MW to produce blades for turbines.

Poland applies the allocation system and uses negotiable green credentials that increase precariousness. Despite this impulsive nature, the Polish market for wind energy has burgeoned. Growth was sluggish from 2002 to 2005 but acquired impetus as it commenced replication each year from 2005 to 2008.

To reach its 2020 renewable energy objective of 10,500–12, 500 MW, Poland has to set up 863–1,002 MW every year until 2020. It has to boost its generation of electricity to 1TWh to 25.4–30.1TWh.

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