Frost + Sullivan Predicts Bright Prospects for the Green Homes Market of Australia

Frost & Sullivan has announced its latest survey results that indicate a strong outlook for the green homes market in Australia. This end-user study has been named “Analysis of the Australian Green Homes Market-Perception and Preferences”.

The survey has evaluated 1,018 homeowners in Australia who currently own a home or plan to own a home in the future, while analyzing the preferences as well as their awareness for green homes, green services and green products along with their purchase decisions as well as processes.

This survey looks to identify energy efficiency features that are important while evaluating the current as well as the future consumption and implementations. The survey also indicates the relatively high awareness about green homes with approximately two-thirds of the survey respondents indicating awareness.

The highest awareness has been reported among the future homeowners revealing a strong urge to install different green home services and products. The research makes use of multivariate techniques and has been further analyzed by three separate clusters, namely, the socially influenced, proactive and the resisters. Frost & Sullivan also predicts that various plans for implementing green products as well as services are expected to increase by the next year.

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