Standard Solar to Install Solar System for University of Delaware

Standard Solar Inc. is all geared up for installing a solar system for the University of Delaware. The company is a premier solar electric systems integrator, installer and developer. The installation of a solar array would be done by Standard Solar and would be jointly operated, owned and developed by Perpetual Energy Systems, a financier of renewable energy systems that are solar powered.

The initial solar array at the University of Delaware would include panels in excess of 2,000 for yielding a solar electric system with 850 kW capacity. Upon completion, it is anticipated that the solar system would be generating about 1,035 kWh of electricity annually. This would result in avoiding CO2 emissions of 1,810,000 lbs. annually, equivalent of decreasing the usage of gasoline by 93,363 gallons annually.

The University of Delaware is a pioneer in the photovoltaics field and its solar energy research has produced 10 new technologies. The solar initiatives and sustainable efforts of the university have helped it in assuming a national leadership position among other universities. This solar installation would represent the largest single rooftop solar system in the state.

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