Sep 7 2010
Bourne Panhandle Trust, proprietors of an unexploited land close to Route 25 in Bourne and the Lorusso family, who own the adjoining Cod Aggregates (CCA) sand and gravel business in Bourne, have entered into an agreement to form a joint venture named New Generation Wind to install and operate wind turbines in their lands.
Bourne Financial Development Corporation (BFDC), a not for profit company is expected to set up a green technology research and development park in the land during the installation of wind turbines to generate a number of quality paying jobs all through the year.
New Generation Wind has filed an application with Cape Cod Commission for the setting up of seven wind turbines each, of 100 meter in size on the land purported for the use of green technology campus. The wind turbines are designed to produce around 17 MW of clean electrical energy that is sufficient to electrify 5000 to 6000 houses located nearby annually. As per the Massachusetts Environmental Policy Act the project has already received an environmental notification and does not require further review from the state for the project. The project on achieving the evaluation by the Cape Cod Commission will be reviewed by the Bourne Planning Board and Bourne Conservation Commission for its compliance with the recently updated bylaws of Wind Energy Conversion System.
The floated company is planning to install three wind turbines in the 150 acre CCA gravel pit ground and the fourth wind turbine is planned over a land off the Route 6 and the other three wind turbines are planned over the Panhandle Trust land spanning the passageway of Route 6. While connectivity to N-STAR distribution system is close by for the Panhandle Trust land wind turbine installations, an application has been made to connect the other wind turbines with the distribution system. All the planned wind turbines will be installed with a minimum gap of 1800 to 2000 feet between them and located a thousand feet or more from the existing housing colonies. New Generation Wind is planning to work in close relationship with the city officials and the community by sharing the details of the project and the advantages.