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Bio-Lipidos and AEE to Produce Clean Fuel from Marine Algae in Puerto Rico

Bio-Lipidos and utility AEE have joined towards producing clean fuel from the marine micro-algae found in tropical waters. Puerto Rico will soon be having a plant for generating clean fuel from marine micro-algae. This biofuel plant is algae-based and will be constructed in the northern region of Puerto Rico.

The executive director of AEE Miguel Cordero commented that an investment of approximately $10 million is likely to be spent towards getting this plant into operation. The goal is for producing fuel in order to generate electricity for Puerto Rico. This plant will be covering an area of approximately 8 million sq. m. Company officials have opined that they are aiming at producing vegetable oil in excess of 1.6 million gallons while the micro-algae’s dry bodies would be made use of as animal feed towards a project for farming shrimp as well as organic tilapia.

The community leader Rosa Hilda Ramos has realized that this happens to be the best way towards producing electricity for Puerto Rico. The biofuel plant will produce 40,000 jobs while producing clean oil. This bio-degradable fuel is non-toxic while having energy content that is similar to diesel.



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