Evolution Solar Finishes its First Phase of Solar Project in Houston

Evolution Solar has completed the first phase of its solar project in Houston. The company’s solar photovoltaic demonstration project is situated in TSU’s (Texas Southern University) campus located in Houston.

Evolution Solar has been partnering with TSU towards installing eight AmpleSun’s thin-film solar PV panels on top of the campus intended towards serving as a highlight of the novel Green Technology Center located in Texas Southern University.

The first phase of this construction project includes the fencing relocation that surrounds the existing solar panel arrays in the campus as well as the construction of several cement posts towards these new solar arrays.

This solar installation provides brilliant opportunities for Evolution Solar in not only showcasing the thin-film solar panels of AmpleSun but also in introducing solar technology to the new generation of students.  The second phase would include the TSU engineering students receiving course credit for assembling the solar array’s rack-mounting system as well as the installation of eight solar panels. Evolution Solar is looking forward towards the second phase of this solar project.

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