Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency to Promote Solar-Wind Hybrid Power Generation

The Tamil Nadu Energy Development Agency (TEDA), a government sponsored undertaking of the Tamil Nadu Government, has announced its decision to encourage solar-wind hybrid power generation units in southern parts of Tamil Nadu.

A recent study undertaken to understand the potential has revealed that some of the southern districts such as Tuticorin, Kayathar Kanyakumari, Pudukottai and the coastal location of Ramanathapuram are found to be suitable for such hybrid power production.

A recent announcement from the Union Ministry of New and Renewable Energy indicates a subsidy to cover 75% cost of the project or Rs.1.5 lakhs per every kW of power produced from such hybrid plants provided, such installations are carried out over government owned constructions such as the collectorate, panchayat offices and government run schools. The subsidy also covers individuals who want to venture into such projects to the tune of meeting 50% of the project cost or an assistance of Rs.1 lakh for every kW of power produced. TEDA will also offer the required technical know how for the applications received. The State government is looking forward to increase power generation through the renewable energy sources to overcome the dependence on conventional energy sources.

S.E.S. Syed Ahamed, Deputy General Manager of TEDA, said that the hybrid power generation plants will produce power 24 hours without interruption. He said that the Madurai Region of TEDA includes 11 districts from Tiruvarur to Kanyakumari.

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