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Hydro to Improve Rjukan Hydropower System

Hydro, a Norwegian Based power company with an estimated annual hydropower generation of 9.4 TWh, has announced its intention to spend around 850 million Norweigian Kroner to improve the existing Rjukan hydropower system located in Telemark, southeast Norway.

The company is planning to spend the amount during 2011 to 2015 to improve the construction safety of the dam and for steady power supply.

The Rjukan power production includes Mæl, Moflåt, Vemork, Frøystul, and Såheim power plants with a collective annual power production of around 3 terawatt hours or 30% of the company’s total hydro-power production. Hydro is planning to utilize the opportunity to improve the existing waterways which includes the construction of a new dam at Skarfoss, installing latest control systems, and power distribution facilities. The funding will also be utilized to carry out maintenance and repair work for the existing turbines and generators. The company has decided to commence work during the year 2011 and complete it in 2015. For the purpose of efficiently carrying out the improving activities, the company has decided to close down the functions of the power plant for a period of 16 weeks in two stages during 2012 and 2014.

Arvid Moss, Hydro Energy’s Business Area Executive Vice President, said that the proposed maintenance work will ensure the safety of the power plants and reduces the potential risks that may lead to repairs and stoppages in power production. He added that the waterfalls at Rjukan remained as the most dependable and conventional power source of the company during its 105 years of existence. He concluded saying that his company is dedicated to maintain it as a nucleus part of its growth in future.

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