Gamesa to Set up Global Offshore Wind Operations Headquarters in the UK

Gamesa Corporacion Tecnologica, a wind turbine manufacturing company from Spain, declared that it will utilize the UK as a base for its worldwide offshore wind energy operations. The company made the announcement in sequel to the UK Prime Minister’s confirmation about the availability of government funding for the port infrastructure up- gradation.

Gamesa has announced its plans to invest around $210 million in the UK by 2014 for setting up its global headquarters in the country. The company also has plans to set up a research and development center and a manufacturing facility for offshore wind turbine blades. Earlier the company had announced its intentions to develop port logistics, operation and repair services in a number of ports in the UK. Jorge Calvet, Chairman of Gamesa, said that the firm decision of the UK government in implementing offshore wind projects and its intention in supporting overseas investments and the accessibility to bigger ports has persuaded his company to have its global headquarters in the country.

David Cameron, Prime Minister of UK, wanted his country to become a global leader in offshore wind energy generation. He further said that his country utilizes public money to invest in infrastructure development to influence major producers of offshore wind turbines to install offshore wind turbine capabilities in the UK. He unveiled the plans of the government to invest over £ 60 million to improve the port infrastructures of the country to match the requirements of offshore wind turbine manufacturers.

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