APS Wins Awards for Renewable Energy Projects

Arizona Public Service (APS), endeavoring to augment the acceptance of renewable energy, continues to receive recognition from exalted National Organizations.

The SEPA (Solar Energy Power Association) and the CRS (Center for Resource Solutions) had identified APS for its programs, which ensured that Arizona uses renewable energy progressively more. SEPA offered APS two awards, the Utility Innovation in Solar Program Design award and the Utility Community Outreach and Public Awareness award, on 14th October at the Solar Power International, a solar power conference held in North America.

The first award was given to APS for the Community Power Project – Flagstaff Pilot. APS and their partners had assessed the effect of operating solar electric systems of high concentration, through a single distribution line for this project. APS owned and serviced rooftop photovoltaic systems would be installed in 200 residential and commercial facilities, in northeast Flagstaff, at no extra costs, in return they would be provided with a fixed price for energy for a period of twenty years. SEPA’s President and CEO, Julia Hamm, acknowledged that the project was an exclusive display of how utility participation in solar energy, could prove to be advantageous for the local solar industry, its clients and for the utility company itself. Manifold goals have been achieved, which include making photovoltaic implementation easy, assisting customers in removing obstacles, and assist the utility to gain experience by integrating of distributed solar utilizing smart grid technologies.

The second award given by SEPA was for The Renewables- The World’s Most Sustainable Superheroes. A team of superheroes including characters, such as the Solar Man, Guyzer representing geothermal energy, Wind Woman, Tank symbolizing Hydro power and Bio representing Biomass energy, provide information about the positive benefits obtained from energy efficiency and renewable energy, and also materialize on book bags, posters, t-shirts, comic books and so on, spreading awareness among the public for renewable energy. These superheroes are frequently spotted in both live and inflatable models, representing APS in community activities and also sports events.

Furthermore, CRS has also honored the Renewables program, by recognizing them as ‘The Best Green Power Education Outreach Program,’ on 20th October, during an annual conference sponsored by the U.S.DOE (Department of Energy), and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency). Arthur O’Donnell, Executive Director of CRS remarked that CRS had identified APS and the Renewables program for their ingenious and upbeat methods of edifying youngsters about renewable energy.

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