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Energy Source Holds a Ground-Breaking Ceremony for its Geothermal Plant

Energy Source began constructing the Hudson Ranch I geothermal plant after a groundbreaking ceremony near Niland.

This total cost for this project is expected to be between $350 million and $400 million and would reach completion by early 2012. It is expected to produce 49 MW of electricity that could power around 37,000 houses in the Phoenix area. According to Energy Source’s President, Dave Watson, the plant depends on the underground geothermal sources, and hence is not affected by the escalating energy costs. He also said that the plant could produce above 90% capacity for a period of 30 years and that the energy price is fixed.

The Salton Sea area is one of the world’s well-known vigorous geothermal reservoirs. The plant would operate on the hot steam occurring naturally under the ground surfacing at 600 degrees. Watson confirmed that the steam flash would be directed straight to the plant. Energy Source’s Senior Vice President, Larry Grogan stated that the plant would use around 800 acre-feet of water per year, for diluting the mineral brine which comes along with the steam, to eliminate clogging of the pipelines, which takes it back to the earth.

According to Watson, this geothermal plant would be the first of its kind using flash technology that needs less water. The construction would need 35 full-time employees along with another 200 jobs during peak construction hours. A Holtville Contractor, Performance Mechanical Contractors, is building the plant. It was absolutely essential that transmission lines to carry the electricity from the valley to the cities be built.

An Imperial County District-4 Supervisor, Gary Wyatt, stated that the Hudson plant would be one among the many new plants producing power in the valley. He felt that District 4 specifically would be recognized for the renewable landscape, making it the area’s largest industry and also revitalizing the economy. He further said that this industry would diversify the economy from being just a farming oriented community. He sensed that renewable energy would become the premier industry in the future.

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