Sepulveda VA Plans Solar Installations for Sepulveda and West L.A. Facilities

Sepulveda VA has announced its plans to spend $21 million to install a solar power system over the 150 acre Sepulveda VA. The 3.965 MW solar photovoltaic system will produce over 7.3 kWh of solar energy to provide electricity to 2,900 homes a year.

The solar panels are to be installed over the rooftops, parking areas and the 10 acre ground site available at the place. SunPower, a San Jose, California- based company is expected to install the solar facility by next year.

The solar project is one among the 18 solar projects currently being installed over the medical centers managed by the VA. It has plans to expend around $200 million from the federal stimulus money to provide energy efficient renewable energy systems in all its elder care facilities located all over the nation and has plans to invest another $200 million towards creating facilities for clean energy production and savings. In addition to providing solar systems for its Ambulatory Care Center located in North Hills, VA is planning to provide a $16.4 million solar system to generate 2.875 MW at its West Los Angeles Medical Center located on Wilshire Boulevard. The Sepulveda and West L.A. solar facilities when completed will reduce the power usage bill of VA by $1million to $1.5 million a year in addition to the available local incentives.

Energy Manager for the VA health care system in Los Angeles, Ross Manoukian, expressed his happiness to have the solar power project in the Valley. He added that some of the veterans served by the facility are eager to know the solar technology.

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