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Ballard Power Systems to Partner with RTE for Fuel Cell Generator in Singapore

Ballard Power Systems declared that they would sell 1.25 MW of the 1300 fuel cell generators to Real Time Engineering (RTE), which is a System Integrator company, based in Singapore. It is also offering engineering support services along with the sale. RTE plans on producing a 1 MW distributed power generator to be installed in Singapore.

The Chief Commercial Officer of Ballard, Michael Goldstein, remarked that the company was happy to be partnering RTE, who is a dedicated leader in the Asian clean technology sector. He further mentioned that RTE would be a great help in promoting Ballard’s fuel cell technology in the Asian markets.

The fuel cell stack is a cost-effective and liquid-cooled solution purposely designed for stationary applications. They would start delivering the product to RTE this year as the 1 MW fuel cell generator is to be commissioned by 2012. RTE would also maintain supplementary fuel cell stacks as spare inventory. The 1 MW generator would be installed at a Singapore industrial development where it would be used as a base load application. RTE will construct, own and control the equipment as per a power purchase agreement drawn with the end-user. On the site hydrogen fuel would be produced using bio-mass as feedstock.

According to RTE’s Managing Director, Philip Wong, Ballard’s fuel cell was chosen as it was perfect in terms of reliability, price and load-following capacity. He further disclosed that the company was thrilled to usher in green and clean power to Asia. Future plans for Ballard and RTE include further collaborations over the upcoming years for sales and support of fuel cell power generators in Asia. When compared to the OECD member countries, the economies in Asian countries were growing four times faster, which leads to an increased power requirement. Concerns for the environment are also growing side by side as Asia at present is accountable for 40 % of the CO2 emissions in the world.

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