AltE Provides Solar Panels for Revolution Energy Sponsored School Project

The Exeter High School in New Hampshire will supplement 5% of its total power usage with clean generated energy from solar panels installed over its complex. The 100 kW solar system offered under Revolution Energy’s school project includes solar panels, and an inverter to store the power.

The system is designed and installed by altE Direct, a solar solution providing company. The installed solar system will allow the school to save over $200,000 every year. Revolution Energy also has devised a plan to work along with the school to introduce a solar education program to teach the students of the school on solar power technology by utilizing the newly installed system.

Ben Farmer, Sales Manager of altE, who was involved in the project along with Revolution Energy, praised the efforts of Revolution Energy in saving the energy costs of the school and their commitment in allowing the students to learn about solar technology through the new solar installation.

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