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SNC-Lavalin to Lead the Muskrat Falls Hydro Power Project Construction Work

SNC-Lavalin Group, a Montreal-based engineering company, has signed a letter-of-intent with Nalcor Energy (the Newfoundland and Labrador crown corporation) to build a power generating station for the proposed 824 MW Muskrat Falls hydro power development over the Lower Churchill River located in Labrador.

The signed LOI also involves SNC-Lavalin in the construction of power transmission lines that run over the land connecting the island of Newfoundland. Nalcor Energy will complete the cable laying work at the sub-sea level by utilizing the services of a contractor dedicated for such jobs.

The Muskrat Falls is sited at a lower level than the currently functioning 5,000 MW hydro station of Churchill Falls and is one among the two power generating plants proposed at the Lower Churchill site at a cost of around $2 billion. Earlier during November this year Nalcor and its partner Emera, the parent company of Nova Scotia Power, have declared their intentions to invest around $6-billion in the development of Muskrat Falls power generating facility. The power generated from the facility will be distributed to Newfoundland, Nova Scotia and New England by creating proper transmission infrastructures.

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