Creators of EDS Install Commercial Rooftop PV System in Georgia

The creators of East Decatur Station (EDS), Chuck Bosserman, Jack Honderd and Pat Murphy, have taken steps to set up a 147 kW photovoltaic (PV) system. This PV system is one of the largest commercial rooftop systems installed in metro Atlanta and Georgia.

Through the Clean Energy Property Rebate Program, the Georgia Environmental Finance Authority (GEFA) offered a rebate to EDS for the installation of the photovoltaic system. The Clean Energy Property Rebate Program, which was set up in 2009 as an outcome of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA), outsets about 35% of the cost of setting up renewable energy property, making efficiency upgrades or carrying out lighting retrofits, and the cost varies based on the technology, which is being installed. The significant contribution from GEFA has made the vision of East Decatur Station come to reality.

The 147 kW PV system, installed by the creators of EDS, is made of three different arrays and is capable of producing energy up to 198,134 kWh per year. Atlanta-based, Radiance Solar installed the solar PV power system consisting of three technologies, namely, Sunpower’s T5 module, Schuco’s MPE 220W module and Sanyo bifacial HIT Double module.

Jaime Porges, the COO of Radiance Solar, has applauded Chuck, Jack and Pat for their vision to install the first rooftop PV system in Georgia.

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