PanelClaw Chosen by Texas Solar Power for Solar Installation in ACC Campus

Texas Solar Power (TXSPC) has chosen PanelClaw for the installation of the largest solar project in the Austin Community College (ACC) Northridge Campus.

The ACC energy project has an installed capacity of 245 kW and is a major component of the ACC’s sustainability initiatives. It would provide power equivalent to powering 30 homes and thus create a savings of $26,500 every year for the school. Dr. Stephen B. Kinslow, CEO and President of ACC, stated that they were increasing the environmental awareness and reducing their dependence on fossil fuels and other non renewable energy sources. The funding for the program comes from a grant administered by the Texas State Energy Conservation Office, the American Recovery & Reinvestment Act Grant.

TXSPC Austin Installation

TXSPC designed and installed the project employing the Polar Bear Solar Mounting Solution created by PanelClaw on the 180 kW flat roof of the project. Roger Jennings, TXSPC’s Project Manager, commented that the Polar Bear Solution was the perfect choice for mounting the 735 panels. He further added that the company’s engineers could rely on the product’s stability against wind. Its adaptability was also very much appreciated along with its efficiency. As these were made in America they could be utilized in federal funded projects.

According to Costa Nicolaou, President of PanelClaw, this partnership with TXSPC indicated the value of the Polar Bear Solution. He mentioned that TXSPC would be able to accelerate array construction process and successfully surmount or conquer the challenges faced during installation, unexpected obstructions, roof undulations; and all this would be possible because of the Polar Bear Solution’s single module design flexibility and three component design.

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