KDC Solar Plans a New Solar Facility for United Stationers in Cranbury, New Jersey

KDC Solar, Sudler Companies and United Stationers Supply have joined together to plan, erect, possess and manage a 3.25 MW solar power system to be installed over the distribution of center of United Stationers located in Cranbury, New Jersey.

United Stationers has leased the warehouse, which is considered to be one of the largest owned by the company in the country from Sudler companies.

The United Stationers, which was in the lookout for environment friendly power generation, will generate around 3,450,000 kilowatt hours of solar power every year, which will meet nearly 90% power requirement of its distribution center located in Cranbury. The behind-the-meter solar system will be installed by KDC Solar and the construction of the facility is expected to commence in the early part of 2011 and is anticipated to get completed and start its operations before the end of the year. KDC Solar hopes that the new solar installation when complete will amply demonstrate the commitment of the United Stationers and Sudler Companies in creating an environment friendly and job focused facility in-tone with the policies of the New Jersey state.

According to Peter D. Sudler, CEO of Sudler Companies, his company is committed to make the building environment friendly and energy efficient. The installation of solar energy while reducing the energy costs for the building tenants will also allow the company to have multi-power generation capabilities. The installation will have a positive influence on the ecological structure of the state.

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