Avonline Presents SunShare Solar Scheme to Benefit Homeowners in the UK

The SunShare scheme introduced by Avonline will bring cheers to the homeowners in the UK and insulate them against the ever increasing power bills. The scheme allows the homeowners to share only a part of the installation costs of the solar panels and benefit over 1000 pounds under the feed-in tariff scheme of the government while enjoying  free electric power.

The SunShare scheme of Avonline will allow the homeowners to invest around 3,999 pounds and get an all inclusive solar PV system at their houses. The installed system will allow the homeowners to save around 40% in their electric bills in addition to providing them over 1,000 pounds sterling every year in the form of feed-in-tariff scheme backed by the government. The scheme also protects them against the raising power costs in future and reduces their carbon footprint. SunShare anticipates around 5,000 homes will join the scheme in 2011 and benefit from it. The solar installation to 5,000 houses will ultimately save around 10,000 tons of carbon discharges every year.

Mark Wynn, Avonline’s Managing Director, anticipates that the feed-in-tariff scheme slated for government’s review in 2012 will likely result in changed structure from April 2013 and suggests the customers to avail the scheme at its prevailing offer rate and get the benefits for 25 years.

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