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Ministry of Defence Plans to Utilize Solar and Wind Energy in Military Bases

The British Ministry of Defence has announced its plans to use solar wind energy to run its military bases at the front line in Afghanistan.

The Defence Equipment and Support (DE&S) agency that functions under the Ministry of Defence has called for suggestion to power the remote areas with renewable energy sources.

Solar Panel

The renewable energy move will slash down the need to run convoys to provide diesel for the generators working at the base camps near Taliban territory. The fuel supply tanks were regularly targeted by the rebels with improvised explosive devices (IED) which made such supplies vulnerable. The front end troops also conserve energy by utilizing efficient power generators and by reducing their regular laundry usage.

The Ministry of Defence is presently getting portable solar panels for the use of military personal attached to smaller sized bases in Helmand Province located in southern Afghanistan. The solar panels are expected to be supplied in the next six months. The proposed solar panels are light-weight and can be stored in a bag by folding it to reduce discomfort of carrying a heavy kit by the military personnel.

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