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Ukraine Aims for More Renewable Energy Power Generation

Ukraine, an East European country, is taking concrete steps to build renewable energy generation facilities.

Recently, Anatoly Blyzniuk, Donetsk Region State Administration’s chairman, declared that the erection work for the three wind power generation units out of the total 23 units planned for Ukraine is completed. Each of the completed unit is designed to generate around 2.5 MW of clean energy. Installation of all the 23 wind turbines is anticipated to be over by 2015. Power production from the completed wind turbine installation is anticipated to begin by 19th February.

Presently, the country utilizes only 0.2% of its projected wind power generation capacity. The country anticipates that its renewable power generation will go up by 6%. It is estimated that  wind energy will alone meet nearly 20% of the power requirements of the country. The country currently imports nearly 60% of its energy requirements chiefly natural gas. The increased wind power generation and use of renewable energy is anticipated to assist the country to achieve energy self-sufficiency.

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