Research and Markets has declared the inclusion of a new report titled, “Asia Pacific Solar PV Systems Market Outlook," prepared by Frost & Sullivan in its list of offerings.
The report presents a clear perception about the market for solar PV systems that are used for both off-grid and on-grid type of applications. The report with its base year as 2010 covers from 2007 to 2017 and supplies forecasts for the period from 2011 to 2017.
The report delves into detail about the important market driving elements, constraints, trends in consumer demands, present scenario, technology trends, estimations of installed capacity and revenue for each country. The report covers solar technologies such as concentrator silicon, thin film and crystalline silicon. The experts have analyzed the Australia and New Zealand (ANZ), Southeast Asia and North Asian markets in the report. According to the report, Solar PV systems have become the first choice of the Asia Pacific countries in their attempt to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and to mitigate the effects of climatic change. The region also enjoys high solar radiation all through the year. The research stresses the need for governmental support to encourage the growth of clean power generation by subsidizing the prohibitive costs involved in solar installation, to make the cost of PV power production comparable with that of the grid power. The report suggests the introduction of national level clean energy rules and regulations, availability of tax incentives and rebates, schemes that allow feed-in-tariff only will sustain the growth of clean energy market at its early stage.
The report anticipates that the solar market will achieve a good growth in the next few years due to the introduction of government regulative measures in the countries that does not have them. The report also cites high clean energy awareness among the people in the region for the growth of the solar market in the coming years. The report cautions that solar systems will find only a few takers in the countries that have good grid infrastructure and provide power at competitive prices. The report indicates that the low income group clients who form the majority in the region will hesitate to go for costly solar installations.