Georgia Tech and Ford Motors have developed an innovative "Green Eco School Bus”.
This eco school bus can carry 16 passengers. It is a hydraulic hybrid vehicle, which operates on recycled biofuel. The hybrid bus may possibly reduce the greenhouse gas emissions and decrease the transport costs for school students.
The engineering students from Georgia Tech have developed the bus and the development grant of $50,000 is being funded by Ford. The bus was given by Atlanta Public Schools (APS).
According to assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Georgia Tech, Michael Leamy, the company anticipates that their research will be able to create cleaner school buses with higher efficiency. These buses will facilitate the school districts like APS by minimizing cost of the fuel and emission of greenhouse gases considerably.
Mary Lin Elementary School students have painted the new eco school bus and have planned for a drive in order to bring used cooking oil for recycling to produce biodiesel, which is a source of renewable energy. Brian Mitchell, principal of the Mary Lin elementary school, said that this “Green Eco School Bus” has enabled the students to understand a theoretical concept practically and motivates the students to learn about environment protection.