Luleå University of Technology has announced the formation of the Swedish Gasification Centre (SFC), a new research center that will concentrate on biomass gasification study considered to be important for the manufacture of green clean fuels from biomass.
The new center with a 10 year budget of 540 million SEK will provide the required interface to encourage the interaction between academic scholars and the industry. With the involvement of a number of research institutions with specific research and training, the center will exploit the multifaceted skills to produce biomass by deploying assorted gasification technologies.
The SFC is equipped to study three dissimilar gasification technologies, which will be pursued by LTU / ETC and Umeå University, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and Chalmers University of Technology respectively. The total research is aimed to generate energy and fuels utilizing biomass. The first phase of the program spanning two years will receive a total budget allotment of 58 million SEK, out of which 19 million SEK will be provided by the Swedish Energy Authority and the rest by the industry and academia. Bio4Energy, a strategic research project offers one third of the grant for the project.
The ultimate aim of SFC’s research is to discontinue the use of fossil fuels to cut down the impact of carbon dioxide emissions over the atmosphere. SFC within the ambit of its framework also can provide support to the Swedish industry to formulate and construct full-scale biofuel extraction facilities.