The aim of the newly formed “Tri4CCS Alliance” in capturing, transporting and storing of CO2 (CCS) cost-effectively and safely will be further strengthened through collaboration of research institutes such as Norway-based SINTEF, Netherlands-based TNO and France-based IFP Energies nouvelles. A total of 450 scientists will be involved in the project with an R&D budget of around €60 million a year
The three research institutes will support the attempts of equipment suppliers, energy companies and other authorities by utilizing their research and novel attempts related to the hauling and underground stocking up of CO2 from fossil fuel utilizing power production stations and the process industry.
TRI4CCS Alliance partners TNO, SINTEF and IFPEN share a common vision of developing a carbon capture and storage technology and deliver it quickly for the use of CCS all over the world. The alliance partners have their own test facilities and laboratory and the facilities will be integrated for the R&D efforts to cover the important features in the CCS chain.
According to TNO’s President, Jan Mengelers all the three partners will utilize their exposure and experience, lab and test facilities along with the experience of CCS experts to introduce an innovation center to generate and develop new ideas and to provide an exclusive approach to enable the industrial segment to successfully implement the CCS safely and cost-effectively. He added that the integrated technical approach along with solid risk management will enable quicker introduction of CCS to cut down the CO2 emissions globally.