Jul 31 2011
The parallel event “Photovoltaics, Forms, Landscapes” will take place on Tuesday, 6 September 2011, at the CCH Congress Centre Hamburg in the framework of the 26th European Photovoltaic Solar Energy Conference and Exhibition organised by WIP - Renewable Energies. The parallel event will highlight the interaction of photovoltaic systems with buildings and landscapes, by showing how architects take up this challenge.
The deployment of PV will continue to grow strongly, both, in the built and open space environment. Although most of the installations today are roof-mounted, and open field installations are less favoured due to low incentive rates, the expected large scale integration will address installations in the multi-MW size, which will become part of our landscapes.
This approach leads to the question: “How to design thousands of square kilometres of Photovoltaics?” To ensure a broader public acceptance, we have to rethink Photovoltaics as a resource to shape “performative landscapes” suitable to our energetic needs. Therefore a multidisciplinary approach towards an understanding on how to form new performative landscapes using PV is of major interest.
Four keynote presentations on the transition from photovoltaic architecture into urban and non-urban landscapes will address the raised questions. The presentations will be followed by a round table discussion.
The detailed programme is available on www.pv-landscapes.com