Researchers from the United Kingdom, Germany, Finland, Czech Republic, and Spain have initiated an R&D project that was funded by the EUREKA initiative. The R&D project, named EQUIMOTOR PLUS, overcame major technological hindrances to develop an economy based on green energies.
Biofuel has several benefits on an environmental and economical level. It is derived from plants, which absorb CO2 and is a widely available clean energy source. However, biofuels have a high amount of oxygen and water and have a corrosive effect on engines. The transport sector has resolved this issue by diluting ethanol in conventional fuel.
But now, a group of small companies and universities and members in the transport and energy sectors have revamped the engines instead of changing the fuel mixture in order to make them adaptable to non-conventional fuels.
The idea for this project came through the COST programme and EUREKA, with its simplistic orientation and techniques, served as an ideal platform for elaborating the project. As soon as the project was initiated by EUREKA, it took a pragmatic line by focusing on the main advantages of biofuels.
I+D’s Director at Guascor, Iñaki Aguinaga is one of the major industrial partner of the R&D project. Aguinaga stated that the project would reach two markets outside the European region, namely Venezuela and Brazil.