Bjerknes Centre has invited contributions for its 10-year anniversary conference on climate change in high latitudes.
The conference will be held in Bergen, Norway from September 3 to 6, 2012 and will focus on current awareness of the past, present and future climate changes in high latitudes. It will cover both modeling and empirical studies, for example it will discuss the results from the CORDEX and CMIP5 experiments.
The programme committee invites abstracts on the following themes: climate variability, sensitivity, thresholds and predictability; coupling between climate and biogeochemical cycles; ocean, ice, atmosphere, land surface processes; and climate projections and ecosystem responses.
The conference includes four sessions, which are as follows.
- The first session will focus on the past, present and future of high latitude climate sensitivity and variability as well as predictable features of high latitude climate dynamics. In addition, it involves presentations on how high and lower latitudes are connected.
- The second session will include contributions on the feedbacks and linkages between the biogeochemical cycles and climate system.
- The third session will focus on empirical and modeling experiments on key ocean, ice, air and land surface processes and their relations.
- The last session will cover local and global climate projections and model simulations. It will also include presentations on studies connecting climate scenarios with ecosystem responses.