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Record Numbers Companies to Compete in Australian Clean Technologies Competition

Australian cleantech companies have signed-up in record numbers for the second Australian Clean Technologies Competition, with 103 companies registered as entries closed yesterday. Last year 70 companies entered the competition.

The Australian Clean Technologies Competition, part of the Cleantech Open based in the USA, was launched by the Parliamentary Secretary for Industry and Innovation Mark Dreyfus last month.

John O’Brien, Managing Director at Australian CleanTech said: "We were looking for Australia's best cleantech start-ups and we have been amazed at the depth of innovation that is out there.”

“Some of the entries appear to be world leading technologies. Getting the Top 30 together for the mentoring is going to be very exciting!"

The Competition will shine a light on Australian innovators taking advantage of business opportunities to reduce energy and resource consumption.

“Clean technology is not about saving the world … it is using technology to make processes and industries more efficient and thus saving them money by offering more sensible options” said O’Brien.

State by state entries breakdown as are follows:

  • NSW: 41
  • QLD: 16
  • SA: 16
  • Tas: 1
  • Vic: 22
  • WA: 7

The sectors are as follows:

  • Air, Water and Waste 22
  • Energy Efficiency 24
  • Renewable Energy 24
  • Green Building 13
  • Smart Power, Green Grid and Energy Storage 7
  • Transportation 13
    TOTAL 103

In total, the entrants have raised nearly $100m for their businesses so far with about 25% of this coming from external funders.

Dr Marc Newson, Cleantech Supplier Advocate says ‘cleantech encompasses environmental technologies that are aimed at existing sectors in the economy, for example; a water management solution that is geared towards the mining sector.”

Up to 30 Competition Semi-finalists will qualify for an intensive, tailored mentoring program; ‘Cleantech Business Accelerator Program’ on commercialisation pathways, business modeling, venture capital funding solutions and successful pitching.

Some of the 2011 finalists’ successes include: pilot plants, joint ventures with overseas companies, USA VC term sheets, actual funding and investment, and commercialisation in Australia and internationally with paying customers.

The 2012 Competition winner will represent Australia at the Global Cleantech Competition in the USA in November.

CleanTech includes: transportation smart power, green grid, energy storage, green building, renewable energy, energy efficiency and air water & waste management.

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