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Australian Solar Hall of Fame Honors Leading Solar Practitioners

Australia's leading solar practitioners have been honored with the unveiling of the Australian Solar Hall of Fame, an initiative of the Australian Solar Council.

"Australia has long led the world in solar research and development, and the Solar Hall of Fame honours the brightest lights in our solar system", said John Grimes, Chief Executive of the Australian Solar Council.

"The inaugural inductees in the Solar Hall of Fame include some of Australia's greatest scientists, innovators and entrepeneurs and collectively represent an extraordinary contribution to tackling global climate change."

"Professors Martin Green and Stuart Wenham of the University of New South Wales have revolutionised solar research and development and produced the world's most efficient solar cells."

"Dr Shi Zhengrong, the founder and Executive Chairman of Suntech - the world's largest producer of solar panels - is a dual Australian/Chinese citizen, often referred to as the Sun King."

"Dr David Mills is a global solar leader, co-developing the absorber coating now used widely on solar hot water systems throughout China, as well as co-founding the solar thermal company Ausra, now owned by French energy giant AREVA. Another co-founder of Ausra, Graham Morrison, has also been honoured."

"Associate Professor Monica Oliphant and Dr Muriel Watt are honoured for their solar careers and contributions to solar advocacy through the International Solar Energy Society and the Australian PV Association, respectively."

"The early pioneers of solar research - Emeritus Professor John Ballinger, Professor Bill Charters, Dr Stephen Kaneff, Wal Read and Steve Szokolay - have also been recognised."

"Four of the inductees - David Mills, Monica Oliphant, Wal Read and Steve Szokolay - have played leading roles in the International Solar Energy Society."

"Australia has punched well above its weight in solar research, development and deployment", said Mr Grimes.

"Our researchers are equal to any in the world. Our innovators have created multi-billion dollar companies and laid the foundations for big solar globally, and last year Australia installed more residential solar panel systems than any other country in the world."

"Australian solar has a proud history and a very bright future", said Mr Grimes.

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