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Comprehensive Analysis of the Asia-Pacific Solar Photovoltaic Market has added a new market research report: Asia-Pacific Solar Photovoltaic Market Outlook to 2030 - Installed Capacity, Market Size, Risk Analysis, Market Saturation and Company Profiles

Asia-Pacific Solar Photovoltaic Market Outlook to 2030 - Installed Capacity, Market Size, Risk Analysis, Market Saturation and Company Profiles


"Asia-Pacific Solar Photovoltaic Market Outlook to 2030 - Installed Capacity, Market Size, Risk Analysis, Market Saturation and Company Profiles" is the latest report from GlobalData, the industry analysis specialist. The report offers a comprehensive understanding of the solar Photovoltaic (PV) market. The report provides in-depth analysis on the solar PV markets of Asia-Pacific as a whole and of its key countries: China, Japan and South Korea. It provides historical data from 2010 and forecast data up to 2030 on installed capacity and power generation. Analysis on end-user segmentation and grid-connection segmentation is provided for the 2012–2017 period. The report also analyzes the market sizes, average module prices and average installation prices, between 2010 and 2015, as well as the market shares of the major solar module producers in 2012 and 2013. The report analyzes the competitiveness of solar PV technology in the renewable technology market in terms of levelized cost of energy. Anti-dumping issues and the cost competition of solar PV modules are also discussed. The report provides a risk analysis of solar PV modules and investigates the saturation and sustainability of the solar PV industry in terms of price and installations. It also presents company profiles of the major players in the global solar PV industry.

The data and information contained in the report are sourced from proprietary databases, primary and secondary research and in-house analysis by GlobalData's team of industry experts.


  • The different types of modules and the differences among these types
  • The historical and forecast capacity, generation, average module price, average installation price and module market size, of Asia-Pacific as a whole and of each of its key countries
  • The segmentation of solar PV installed capacity in terms of end-user and grid-connectivity in the 2012–2017 period, in Asia-Pacific as a whole and in each of its key countries
  • The market shares of the different types of solar modules, in Asia-Pacific as a whole and in each of its key countries, in 2012 and 2013
  • The major producers of solar PV modules, globally and in Asia-Pacific, and the production figures of each of these producers
  • The competitiveness of renewable sources of energy, in terms of levelized cost of energy and cost competitiveness, globally
  • The risk factors of solar PV modules
  • The saturation levels and sustainability of solar PV technology in the future
  • The major players in the solar PV industry

Reasons to buy

The report will allow you to -

  • Enhance your decision-making capability in a time-sensitive manner
  • Facilitate decision-making based on strong historical and forecast data
  • Develop strategies based on the latest trends in the market
  • Position yourself to take advantage of the industry's growth potential
  • Identify key partners and business development avenues
  • Respond to your competitors' business structures, strategies and prospects

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