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New SEPA Rankings Rate APS in the Top 5 in Four Solar Categories

In new rankings released by the Solar Electric Power Association (SEPA), APS placed among the top 5 solar utilities in four categories.

Most notably, APS received its highest ranking in program history – third in the nation for solar installed last year, thanks in large part to an innovative new solar facility that can produce power in the dark.

APS’s top 5 rankings include:

  • Third place for new solar installed in 2013 (410 megawatts)
    • This ranking is up one spot from last year’s fourth place ranking.
  • Fourth place for new solar installed in 2013 per customer (368 watts /customer in 2013)
  • Fourth place for overall solar capacity (740 megawatts)
  • Fifth place for overall solar capacity per customer (654 watts/customer)

In 2013, APS supported the development of 410 MW of new solar. This is nearly triple the 148 MW added to its renewable portfolio in 2012. The continued growth of solar power is consistent with a long-range forecast released earlier this month by APS, which estimates that the amount of renewable energy in the APS energy mix will double over the next 15 years.

The 410 MW added last year includes large scale solar power plants owned by APS, power purchased from independent solar power producers, and customer installations. Last year, APS customers installed 91 MW of solar power to their homes and businesses, helping APS achieve such a high national ranking.

But the biggest addition to APS’s solar portfolio came from the Solana Generating Station. At 250 MW, Solana produces enough solar electricity to power 70,000 Arizona homes. Solana is unique among solar installations because it has the capability to store energy and produce power even when the sun isn’t shining. It’s solar power in the dark.

“Solana is a game-changer for our solar portfolio,” said Tammy McLeod, APS Vice President of Resource Management. “Having the ability to store the power of the sun and use it when our customers need it most – in the evening after sunset – is incredibly valuable. It provides flexibility we don’t typically see with solar energy.”

Utilities ranking in this year’s SEPA top 10 accounted for 82 percent of all capacity integrated in 2013, up from 73 percent in 2012.

“We are thrilled to see milestones surpassed and barriers broken from coast to coast,” said Julia Hamm, president and CEO of SEPA. “It’s truly inspiring to see utility partners and their consumer communities rally around implementing solar programs that are changing the nature of our national energy portfolio.”

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