May 26 2014
The EPFL Solar Energy and Building Physics Laboratory (LESO-PB) is pleased to announce the official approval by the CTI Board of a proposal for a new Swiss Competence Center for Energy Research in the field of Energy Efficiency in Buildings and Districts.
LESO-PB is one of the main partners in this 7.3 Mio CHF research programme set up with other research units of EMPA, ETHZ, Luzern UAS and University of Geneva and stretching over the period from 2014 to 2016. Several PhD and Postdoctoral Fellow positions have already been opened in this context.
Swiss Competence Centres for Energy Research (SCCER) now exist in seven action areas defined in the “Coordinated Energy Research in Switzerland Action Plan”, the programme with which the Federal Council and parliament aim to promote research into energy over the coming years in order to implement the “Swiss Energy Turnaround”. The SCCER will continue to be run into the next funding period of 2017-2020 (Dispatch on Education, Research and Innovation) provided they continue to meet expectations.
SCCER will receive funding from the CTI to expand their research capacities and launch new, innovative research activities. They are required to match this funding with their own funds and third-party funding from the private sector and the administration. The private sector is involved in order to encourage the efficient transfer of research findings to the market.
Author: Barbara Smith
Source: Portail collaborateur