COP21: Enormous Potential of Green Buildings Discussed at Delta21 Forum

As the end of the UN Conference on Climate Change (COP21) nears, experts and scholars in the energy, architecture and meteorology fields from both sides of the Taiwan Strait attend the Delta21 Forum organized by Delta Electronics on December 10 at the Grand Palais. They discussed the enormous potential of green buildings in regards to energy conservation and lower carbon emissions from the policy support, energy-efficient technology and architectural design perspective.

Over the past 10 years, Delta has worked with partners to construct 21 green buildings, accumulating valuable experience and defining the philosophy of "Building Harmony with Nature". The concrete achievements during the COP21 conference period included proposing solutions that will help traditional high energy consumption cities transform into sustainable cities. Delta also hopes to utilize COP21's international influence to remind organizations around the world to focus upon the potential value of conserving energy via green buildings as we all work together to create a smart green life.

During the forum, Mr. Bruce Cheng, Delta's founder and honorary chairman, shared his experience on cost-effective designs for natural ventilation and lighting that can effectively conserve energy, optimize comfort and realize the concept of "Building Harmony with Nature". He pointed out that a UN report indicates the potential to reduce the carbon emissions of buildings reaches up to 90%. Since 2005, Delta's factories, offices and donated buildings around the world adopt green building practices, with a current total of 21 green buildings. Delta has also sponsored the "Delta Cup International Solar Building Design Competition" for ten consecutive years and has promoted the implementation of winning designs from this initiative. Delta hopes that these international contestants will accumulate knowledge and skills related to green buildings and become future urban planners and architects capable of ultimately benefiting a growing number of people with higher energy conservation and healthier living and working conditions.

Mr. Ding-huan Shi, president of the China Renewable Energy Society (CRES), the organizing entity of the "Delta Cup International Solar Building Design Competition", and the director of the China National Engineering Research Center for Human Settlements, Mr. Ji-shou Zhong, also participated at the forum. Ding-huan Shi emphasized that in the past ten years, the Delta Cup competition has gradually become a multifaceted platform to lead the development of China's green building and energy industries, implement winning designs, nurture innovative talent and spread the low-carbon concept. Delta utilized a first-prize winning proposal to construct the "Delta Sunshine Elementary School at Yangjia Town" and the "Delta Sunshine Junior High School in Longmen Township" in disaster areas affected by the earthquakes in Sichuan. "The 24 Corridors Under the Riyue Mountain", a project recognized and supported by the Qinghai Government, also combines multiple award-winning proposals into a showcase construction project to house farmers. Mr. Zhong highlighted that industries, governments and academia across the Taiwan Strait must work closely in order to facilitate more progressive ideas that enhance innovation in green building technologies.

The architect who designed the first net-zero energy campus in Taiwan, the Namasia Ming Chuan Elementary School, Mr. Ying Chao Guo, and the architect who designed the world's largest festive lantern, Delta's Ring of Celestial Bliss, Mr. Jih Pan, also shared their design expertise. Ying Chao Guo stated that, "We are rebuilding not just the past, but the future." In addition to serving an educational function, the reconstructed school also follows the "Building Harmony with Nature" philosophy while respecting the indigenous culture. The structure serves multiple complementary functions. According to Jih Pan, architecture is an external factor at any time and place, which is why architects must take special care to maintain a harmonious relationship "between nature and humans". He hopes that, "Architects will remain committed to the respect for nature and humanity so that buildings can contribute towards turning the dream of sustainability into a reality."

The goal of COP21 Paris is to facilitate participants from various nations in making carbon reduction commitments. However, the conflict between energy conservation and the generation of economic profits may be the largest obstacle in realizing this goal. Smart green buildings are an effective solution to such conflict. Professionals from the industrial, governmental and academic fields, including Professor Chung Laung Liu, academic at Academia Sinica, and Mr. Jia-ping Cheng, chief of the Central Weather Bureau's Research and Development Center, proposed energy conservation solutions for new buildings as well as green building renovation initiatives throughout this forum.

While introducing Delta's experience in lowering the electricity intensity of its worldwide factories by 50% from 2010-2014, the chairman of Delta Electronics, Mr. Yancey Hai, provided the example of the renovation of its 16-year-old Taipei headquarters with smart green building solutions. The building received a diamond-level EEWH certification (existing buildings) from Taiwan. This building achieved energy savings of up to 58% through the use of Delta's HVAC (heating, ventilating and air conditioning) automation, power regeneration units for elevators, LED lighting, renewable energy solutions and energy management software. Not only has this green building set the record for the most significant carbon emissions reduction among Taiwanese office buildings, it has also brought significant reductions in electricity costs. Mr. Hai stressed the business potential of smart green buildings. As a global leading provider of power and thermal management solutions, Delta is dedicated to facilitating the creation of sustainable cities to counter the impact of buildings on the environment.

As the week-long "Solutions COP21" exhibition ends today, this forum is the conclusion of the company's Delta 21 Green Buildings Exhibition, that proposes the concept of "Building Harmony with Nature". Delta's exhibition utilized immersive projections and interactive designs to showcase the 21 green structures Delta has constructed over the past 10 years, including Delta's own operation facilities in Taiwan, mainland China, India, and the US, as well as the 12 green buildings donated in Taiwan and mainland China. The exhibition organizer stated that Delta has actively exercised its responsibility as a global corporate citizen, working with all organizations to promote energy conservation and lower carbon emissions. Delta has committed to contribute in the global effort to slow down global warming within 2 degree celcius through solutions that are also economically valid.

For updated event information, please visit the website of Delta21:

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