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CES 2016: Intelligent Energy Showcases Embedded Hydrogen Fuel Cell Electronic Prototypes

Intelligent Energy, the energy technology company, today unveiled a number of consumer electronic prototypes powered by an embedded hydrogen fuel cell, to significantly extend the up time of the devices and provide a solution to the battery life conundrum facing consumers today.

The prototypes will be on display throughout the week at a special Intelligent Energy Embedded World event at CES 2016 and follow on from the company’s announcement on December 15, 2015 that it has developed a prototype hydrogen fuel cell powered range extender for drones.

Intelligent Energy’s presence at CES 2016 will demonstrate how embedded hydrogen fuel cell technology can untether people from the constraints of traditional energy sources and infrastructures. By embedding a hydrogen fuel cell into a phone, drone, tablet or laptop, consumers of energy can become producers of energy and have the freedom of instant energy for their electronic devices when and where they want it. The fuel cell technology fits into the existing hardware. There is no need for any existing battery technology to be removed to accommodate the fuel cell, but instead the two work side by side.

In the last 12 months, Intelligent Energy’s technology has been recognized by awards at CES 2015 (Innovation Award Honoree), Edison (2015 Gold Award winner) and Business Green (Breakthrough of the Year and Technology of the Year). “Our award winning technology can be scaled up or down for a vast range of commercial applications either to independently power the device or complement the existing battery,” said Julian Hughes, Acting Managing Director for Intelligent Energy’s Consumer Electronics Division. “The additional fuel cell provides a dual power source to extend device life by up to an entire week.

“The existing grid infrastructure was not designed to keep up with today’s power requirements and alternatives need to be developed, which is where we come in. What we are aiming for is to mobilize energy production for consumer electronics and unleash the potential to realize a true global wireless economy.”

Intelligent Energy recognizes the importance of energy on demand as consumers are more connected and mobile than ever, with experts predicting that there will be upwards of 50 billion connected objects by 2020.

  • Embedded World at The Venetian Hotel (Tuesday, January 5 - Saturday, January 9): An Intelligent Energy event at CES 2016. To make an appointment to discover how embedded fuel cells could power your consumer electronics device or to view the prototype, please email: [email protected] or [email protected] (media).
  • CES Unveiled Las Vegas, Mandalay Bay, North Convention Center, South Pacific Ballroom (Monday, January 4): CES Unveiled Las Vegas is the official media event of CES.
  • Showstoppers @ CES, Wynn Hotel, Lafite Ballroom (Wednesday, January 6): ShowStoppers @ CES is a tabletop showcase where companies set-up their products for demonstration for media and analysts.

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