Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment to be Awarded in Hamburg

City Mayor Ole von Beust, City Senator for the Environment Anja Hajduk and Foundation President Anthony S. Papadimitriou today announced the future awarding of "Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment", speaking at Hamburg City Hall. The prize is endowed by the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation and is to be awarded in Hamburg every two years for "outstanding contributions towards protecting and improving the environment, including the long-term economical use of energy". The first award will be in autumn 2010, and the prize may be given to individuals or organisations of all kinds, other than politicians or political parties. It is one of the highest-endowed environmental prizes in the world, carrying an award of EUR 250,000.

Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment. International environmental prize to be awarded in future in Hamburg. From left to right: Tassos Kriekoukis (ambassador Greece), Anthony S. Papadimitriou (Foundation President Alexander S. Onassis Foundation), Ole von Beust (City Major Hamburg), Anja Hajduk (City Senator for the Environment), Kristin Breuer (Spokesperson senate) +++ Foto: Pressestelle des Senats Hamburg

City Mayor Ole von Beust: "Our efforts to protect the climate, resources and the environment are increasingly respected, including outside Germany. With the "Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment", we are now seeing a major international environmental prize coming to Hamburg for the first time. The internationally-constituted nominations committee under the chairmanship of City Senator for Urban Development and the Environment Anja Hajduk is outstanding, from the Hamburg viewpoint, in recruiting Dr. Michael Otto and 'ZEIT' journalist Christiane Grefe alongside international scientists."

City Senator Anja Hajduk: "In view of the massive challenges of climate change and in environmental policy, the "Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment" comes at just the right time. It aims to publicise outstanding research and projects in this area and to offer solutions. The new environmental prize will be a further advertisement for Hamburg's competence in relation to protection of the environment and the climate."

Anthony S. Papadimitriou, President of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation: "The Onassis Foundation and the City of Hamburg share a bond which goes back to the period when the undisputed leading shipping personality of the 20th century, Aristotle Onassis, was expanding his business. Among his pioneering initiatives in the early 1950s has been the order for the construction of a series of tankers in German shipyards, thus offering this industry the significant opportunity for revival and growth. In present time, both the Onassis Foundation and the City of Hamburg share as a priority the concern for major issues concerning the protection of the environment. For those reasons, we were already looking at Hamburg as a potentially suitable venue for the awarding of the "Aristotle Onassis Prize for the Protection of the Environment". What rapidly convinced us were the major efforts being made by Hamburg to link together urban development, climate and environmental protection. Our prize is genuinely at home here."

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