Dec 31 2009
Kedco offers the evacuated tube solar collector along with different tank sizes ranging from 200 liters onwards. The solar collector comprises evacuated glass tubes that heat solar absorbers and the solar working fluid. The solar collector heats the working fluid, which may be an anti-freeze mix or water in the manifold to heat the domestic hot water. Every evacuated tube includes two glass tubes that are made of borosilicate glass.
The evacuated tube solar collector includes an inner glass tube that is coated with AI-N/AI coating. The inner glass tube has good solar radiation absorption with minimal reflection properties. The outer glass tube is transparent that enables sunlight rays to pass with minimum reflection. The evacuated tube solar collector incorporates a copper pipe and heat conducting liquid inside the inner glass tube. In between the two glass layers, there is a vacuum space that acts as a thermal insulation to reduce the heat loss.
The evacuated tube solar collector, provided by Kedco, heats the fluid that changes into gas and rises to the tube’s top. The gas transfers the heat to solar fluid in manifold, where it gets condensate back to liquid. The liquid again flows down the tube to repeat the process. After the solar fluid is heated, it is pumped to a coil in the hot water cylinder, in a closed loop. The closed loop enables the solar fluid to circulate back to the manifold.