Reportlinker Releases Europe Photovoltaic Inverter Market Report has released a market report titled “Europe PV Inverter Market Analysis and Forecasts to 2015”. This report provides revenue forecasts up to the year 2015 and it also provides a detailed study of the Europe photovoltaic inverter market. Various issues in the Europe photovoltaic inverter market are analyzed in this report and these issues include purchase criteria, competitive landscape, human resources, growth opportunities and pricing.

Growth opportunities in the emerging markets and potential hotspots for photovoltaic inverters are identified in the study. In-depth analysis and revenue forecasts for important countries such as UK, Germany, France, Italy and Spain are provided in this study. Challenges and market opportunities for global photovoltaic inverter manufacturers are analyzed in this report.

Data of yearly market revenues from the year 2001 to the year 2008 is analyzed in this report. Sputnik Engineering AG, Fronius International GmbH, SMA Solar Technology AG and Siemens AG are the important companies analyzed in this study. Interviews conducted with important participants and data obtained from proprietary database are also analyzed in this report.

This report will enable individuals to identify avenues for business development and various other investment and growth opportunities in the Europe photovoltaic inverter market. An understanding will also be gained on how the market has been shaped by various mergers and acquisitions.

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