GWS Technologies to Supply Renewable Energy Solutions to CHS Farms

GWS Technologies, Inc., a renewable energy solutions developer, announced that the company will be supplying hydro generators, solar panels and wind turbines to CHS Farms LLC.

CHS Farms is an integrated aquaponic facility covering an area of 165 acres and is located 45 miles of northwest of Phoenix in Arizona. Michael Coskun, Vice President of GWS Technologies, said the land at CHS Farms can be utilized to generate a potential 10 MW of hydro, wind and solar power. Coskun further said with more than 200,000 gallons of water flowing downhill due to natural gravity, the farm has high potential for hydro power.

CHS Farms’s Project Manager, Dr. Jason Licamele, said the farm is delighted to be able to use the renewable technologies offered by GWS Technologies. The farm intends to produce energy and food by adopting sound environmental standards by combining modern technologies with its natural resources efficiently. These sustainable practices will enable the farm to produce more food from its land and water resources when compared to conventional methods of agriculture, Licamele added.

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