NSTAR, a Massachusetts-based company engaged in the distribution of electric and gas for households, has announced a 50 percent rise in energy efficiency incentive money for many eligible improvement projects. The company is offering this incentive for all the projects that it approves before 1 August 2010 and those that get completed by 30 September 2010. The incentive offer is likely to close earlier incase the allotted funds get exhausted. Details about the incentive program are provided on telephone number or businesses can fill an online application on the company’s website.
The incentive program provides increased fiscal benefits to medium and large companies and industrial clients that partake in the Retrofit Program or New Construction Program. Various projects entitled to receive funding via the incentive program include improvements to more energy efficient lighting, variable speed drives, premium efficiency motors and controls for vending machines or the introduction of innovative energy efficient air compressors.
The Vice President of Customer Care of NSTAR, Penni Conner said that the companies are always looking for ways and means to save energy and reduce energy bills. Conner further added that the NSTAR incentive program is aimed at making the energy efficiency projects inexpensive by reducing the payback period.
The company is engaged in providing gas and electricity services and has more than one million electric customers and 300,000 gas customers from 81 and 51 communities, respectively.