New Report on Renewable Energy Investment from Reportlinker

Reportlinker is offering GBI Research’s new report, "Renewable Energy Investment Opportunities in Emerging Economies". GBI Research is a provider of business intelligence. The report offers detailed analysis of the upcoming economies and promising renewable energy hotspots. The report analyzes the evolution, growth and investments made in renewable energy sector in the world’s emerging nations. Potential hotspots for investments in renewable energy are identified and the emerging markets’ investment trends are also analyzed in the report. The research offers investment forecasts and in-depth analysis in important emerging nations, such as China, Brazil, and India. Comprehensive analysis on financial investments based on deal types in different emerging nations is also covered. The report covers forecast and historical investments during 2001 to 2015.

The report is produced by GBI Research using information from proprietary databases, secondary and primary research as well as in-house analysis by the company’s industry expert team.

Key topics covered in the report include China Power Market, Installed Capacity According to Fuel Type, 2009; China Solar PV Power Market; Renewable Energy Investments in China; Renewable Energy Policy, Overview; Medium and Long Term Development Plan for Renewable Energy; US China MOU on Biomass Development; Banning of Grain Based Ethanol; and India Renewable Energy Market, and Historical Cumulative Installed Capacity by Renewable Type, 2001-2009.

Key tables presented in the report include China, Major Economic Indicators, 2009; China Hydro Power Market, Historical and Forecast Installed Capacity, (MW), 2001 – 2015; China Renewable Energy Industry, PE/VC, Deal Value and Volume, 2006 – 2009; India Hydro Power Market, Basin/Rivers of India, Probable Installed Capacity in (MW); Remote Village Electrification, Maximum Central Financial Assistance; Brazil Renewable Power Market, Historical Cumulative Installed Capacity (Including Hydro) (GW) 2001-2015; and BNDES Financing Lines and Funding Programs Relevant to Ethanol Production.

Key figures in the report include China Power Market, Cumulative Power Generation Capacity by Energy Source (%) 2009; China Solar PV Power Market, Historical and Forecast Installed Capacity, (MW), 2001 – 2015; India Hydro Power Market, Achieved and Targeted Installed Capacity under Various Five Year Plans, MW; India Biodiesel Market, Historical and Forecasted Production, Million Liters, 2006-2015; Brazil Biodiesel Market, Historical and Forecasted Production, Million Liters, 2005-2015; and GBI Research Methodology.

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